Tebodin tackles waste mountain

Tebodin tackles waste mountain

The uncontrolled dumping of more than seven million cubic metres of household refuse was forming a serious threat to the drinking water supply of the Croatian capital Zagreb. Now the enormous waste mountain outside the Croatian capital is being tackled under the supervision of Tebodin.

The waste dump extends along the bank of the River Sava and covers an area of 40 hectares. For years, household waste was dumped here without any form of check, the main risk being possible pollution of the groundwater and, indirectly, of the river itself. With a loan of €85 million from the European Development Bank, a start was made with remediation of the area in 1999. The waste processing company ZGOS turned to Tebodin for project management support. The cleanup is mainly aimed at sealing in the waste to eliminate the risk of groundwater pollution. Tebodin also has to prevent the escape of methane produced by the decomposing waste, because this is a harmful greenhouse gas. Tebodin's involvement extends from giving advice, formulating financial management models, supervising the spending of the European loan and assisting with the procurement process right up to complete project management.

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