Focus to protect profitability

BAM’s strategy involves clear focus on profitable growth platforms in the Netherlands, and in the United Kingdom and Ireland, emphasising key clients and proven competitive advantages. A key initiative in the division United Kingdom and Ireland includes a focus on medium-sized projects with top clients and enhancing core and value chain capabilities such as advisory, design and engineering.

We will focus on selecting profitable projects that align with our sustainability targets and risk profile, ensuring we remain predictable, profitable, and sustainable in the future. This also means targeting key clients and selecting markets in which we have a competitive advantage.

Rotterdam Zalmhaven

Rotterdam Zalmhaven

We built the tallest pre-fabricated tower in the world – and in a densely populated area. Everything is pre-fabricated with just in time delivery, implementing a highly repetitive process and complex method of construction. This turned out to be an innovative and profitable project.

Education and Healthcare

Education and Healthcare

We target public sector frameworks which allow us to deliver sustainably and profitably at speed. We will focus on maintaining our historically strong position on education and healthcare frameworks, which provide sustainable and predictable business, and complement our industry leading capabilities in standardised design.

Focus on key clients

Focus on key clients

To protect profitability and target areas which suit our expertise, we adopt a key client approach. This involves forming relationships with our key clients, in target markets, to unlock value and predictability for all parties. Some examples of this include our focus on smaller repetitive infrastructure projects in the Netherlands, and our relationships with clients such as SSE and Network rail in the UK&I.