Good progress in Qatar

Good progress in Qatar

Six years later Interbeton is back at work on the Qafco artificial fertiliser plant in Mesaieed, Qatar. The plant is expanding and needs additional jetties, pumping stations and cooling water systems.

The group company is operating as subcontractor to the German group Krupp Uhde, which is responsible for the design and construction of Qafco 4, as the expansion project is known. Interbeton is responsible for the design, procurement and construction of the marine works. This EPC contract is worth €22 million. It involves extending the loading and unloading jetty by 165 metres and building a 100 metre long connecting jetty, an underground pumping station and the inlet and outlet platforms for the cooling water systems, including the pipelines and the weir box, as it is called. This is a concrete overflow structure, which ensures that there is sufficient pressure in the discharge pipe.

Interbeton is making good progress with the construction of the various parts of the project. Piling, including 203 bored piles, is in full swing, with only 75 piles to go in the next three months. All the prefabricated concrete has been produced and the first crossbeams are already in place. In February, work will start on pouring the deck of the jetty. Four months later Interbeton will be handing over the project to the Qafco fertiliser plant.

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