BAM nominates Frans den Houter as Executive Board member (CFO)

L. F. (Frans) den Houter

Bunnik, the Netherlands, 25 April 2018 – The Supervisory Board of Royal BAM Group nv has decided to nominate Mr L.F. (Frans) den Houter RC for appointment by the general meeting as member of the Executive Board of the Group in the role of Chief Financial Officer as of 1 August 2018, for a period of approximately four years until the general meeting in 2022. This nomination will be submitted to shareholders for approval at an extraordinary general meeting to be convened on Tuesday 26 June 2018. The proposed appointment of Mr Den Houter relates to Mrs T. Menssen MBA stepping down as Chief Financial Officer effective 1 July 2018.

Frans den Houter (43) comes from Heerema Marine Contractors (HMC), where he has worked since 2010; from September 2012 as Chief Financial Officer. In this capacity he was responsible for all financial disciplines, as well as for legal affairs, compliance, human resources and information management.

Mr Den Houter started his career at Exxon Mobil in 2000, where he worked as financial analyst and controller for the Benelux retail operating company. In 2005 he moved to Shell, where he worked as controller at Shell Global Real Estate, project manager at Shell Energy Europe and financial manager for joint ventures at Shell Upstream International. He joined HMC in 2010 as Finance and Control Manager and then held the position of Senior Vice President Finance before being appointed as CFO in 2012.

Frans den Houter was trained as a hydrographic surveyor at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, he earned a degree in business economics at the University of Amsterdam and an international master's degree in Finance and Control and is a Register Controller.

The nomination of Mr Den Houter by the Supervisory Board relies in particular on his vast knowledge and experience in the financial profession, his experience with corporate finance, change management and with risk and contract management of (large) projects. He has operated internationally throughout his career, has a broad orientation and, in the opinion of the Supervisory Board, fits in very well with the team of the Executive Board. The nomination of Mr Den Houter is supported by the Central Works Council.

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