BAM Deutschland wins major German contracts

Bunnik, the Netherlands, 8 January 2014 – BAM Deutschland AG (the German operating company of Royal BAM Group, specialising in building construction projects) has won two new orders with a total value of more than €127 million.

On the banks of the large Auβenalster lake in Hamburg, BAM Deutschland is building an office complex on behalf of Alsterufer 1-3 Immobilien GmbH & Co KG. The contract value is more than €65 million.

The project consists of the construction of an eight-storey building (with a gross floor area of 30,000 m²) above a four-level underground car park (with a gross floor area of 20,000 m²), which will also include the technical rooms. The ground floor will be home to a restaurant and shops, among other things. A part of the new building will replace a 1960s office block and an office building from the 1920s, which in spite of its historic status is being demolished on account of its poor condition. It is being rebuilt in the same style. The design is by APB Architekten from Hamburg and Riemann Architekten from Lübeck. The project is expected to be completed in early 2016.

In Cologne, BAM Deutschland will shortly be starting work on the Gustav-Heinemann-Quartier residential complex on the banks of the Rhine. The complex will have a total of 246 owner-occupied homes and 73 rental homes. The commissioning party is Tauton Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. The project, which has a value of in excess of €62 million, involves the conversion of the former offices of the Federation of German Industry into 140 apartments situated behind a completely new façade. An additional roof storey will also be built, where a number of penthouses are to be created. The design is by JSWD Architekten in Cologne. An underground car park is to be constructed next to the building.

Elsewhere on the site, BAM Deutschland is building five small-scale apartment buildings with an underground car park, designed by the Astoc firm of architects in Cologne. Completion is scheduled for late 2015.

Further information:

  • press: A.C. Pronk, +31 (0)30 659 86 21;
  • analysts: J.A. van Galen, RA, +31 (0)30 659 87 07. 

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