BAM wins second contract for civil works of cement plant in Indonesia

Cement plant in Indonesia

Bunnik, the Netherlands, 9 April 2013 – BAM Indonesia has been awarded a contract for the onshore civil works of the second line of the new Holcim cement plant in Tuban, East Java, Indonesia. It will take BAM approximately 19 months to finalise this €37 million contract. BAM’s client is PT ThyssenKrupp Polysius Indonesia, which is the overall contractor responsible for the erection of the new clinker and cement factory for Holcim, Indonesia’s third largest cement maker.

The second line comprises the same number and similar structures that BAM will complete within a few months for the first line, which were almost ninety reinforced concrete structures, varying from large support buildings (up to 120 metres high) for the process equipment to electrical stations and six concrete silos. BAM intends to re-employ or recruit as much as possible local workforce from Tuban and the surrounding area to execute the works.

PT ThyssenKrupp Polysius Indonesia is a subsidiary of ThyssenKrup Polysius AG, Germany, which supplies modern plant components from the raw material preparation system to the clinker manufacturing process for the new 4,000 tpd cement clinker production plant. BAM Indonesia is a subsidiary of BAM International, the world wide operating construction company of Royal BAM Group, active outside Europe.

Further information: A.C. Pronk, +31 (0)30 659 86 21

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