BAM wins new stadium contract in Chemnitz, Germany

Bunnik, the Netherlands, 21 October 2013 - BAM Sports – the subsidiary of BAM Deutschland AG, which specialises in stadium construction – has been awarded the contract for the complete renewal of Stadion an der Gellertstraße in Chemnitz, which serves as the home of football club FC Chemnitzer. Chemnitz is located in Saxony, near the border with the Czech Republic. The contract includes demolition of the stadium dating from 1934 and an adjacent building and constructing a new stadium for 15,000 spectators with catering, office and retail spaces. The contract value is over € 23 million.

The new stadium will offer 7,900 seats with standing space for an additional 6,170 people, all covered by roofs. The football pitch with field heating and sprinkler system is retained. BAM Deutschland will deliver the project, and the pitch will remain in use during construction. The new stadium has been designed by architect Stefan Nxdorf of agn Niederberghaus & Partner GmbH. Together with this architect, BAM Sports is also building the football stadium Arena Regensburg, which will be completed in mid-2015.

Further information:

  • Press: Arno C. Pronk, +31 (0)30 659 86 21;
  • Analysts: Joost A. van Galen RA, +31 (0)30 659 87 07.

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