Management appointment at BAM Infratechniek

Management appointment at BAM Infratechniek

Bunnik, The Netherlands, 9 January 2013 – The Executive Board of Royal BAM Group has appointed Mr H.J. Versteegen with effect from 1 January 2013 as director of BAM Infratechniek bv. For the time being Hein Versteegen (48) will continue as director of BAM Leidingen & Industrie bv, a subsidiary of BAM Infratechniek.

Mr Versteegen succeeds Mr H.G. Kuipers, who has stepped down from the management team of BAM Infratechniek at his own request. Henk Kuipers will continue as director of BAM Infratechniek’s north-eastern division (BAM Infratechniek Noordoost bv) and he will especially focus on the further development of the activities of BAM Infratechniek in the distribution market.

With effect from 1 January 2013 the management of BAM Infratechniek consists of Mr M. de Rooij, chairman, Mr B. Schulze and Mr H.J. Versteegen.

Further information: Arno C. Pronk, + 31 (0)30 659 86 21.

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