BAM International to build quay walls in Jordan and Liberia

Bunnik, the Netherlands, 1 July 2011 – BAM International, the operating company of Royal BAM Group active outside Europe, has been awarded a contract for the extension of a wharf for Aqaba Container Terminal (a joint venture of Aqaba Development Corporation and APM Terminals) in Jordan. In addition BAM International has won a contract for the design and construction of a 600-metre quay wall for a container terminal in Monrovia, the capital city of Liberia. BAM Infraconsult will be responsible for the design. Client is APM Terminals. The contract value for BAM for both projects totals to approximately €85 million.

In Jordan BAM will extend the quay wall by 460 metres and develop the area behind the wharf into an RTG (rubber tired gantry) operated container yard. Since 2006 Aqaba Container Terminal is achieving a drastic increase of capacity through a combination of physical and operational improvements. The Aqaba Container Terminal will grow from a feeder port to a mature main liner facility and plays a crucial role in the Jordanian economy, enabling growth and development regionally. It serves as a gateway for the Jordanian market, as well as for transit cargo moving to and from other countries in the region.

In Liberia APM Terminals was selected in 2010 as the preferred bidder to operate a 25-year concession at the Port of Monrovia by the Government. The total rehabilitation project calls for construction of a new quay wall and berth, the implementation of more efficient yard handling procedures and the installation of new equipment to transform the port into a regionally-competitive, world-class port capable of handling modern, deep-draft vessels serving the West African trade lanes.

Further information:

  • press: A.C. Pronk, +31 (0)30 659 86 21
  • analysts: P.R.E. Snippe, +31 (0)30 659 87 07

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