Operating company BAM again successful in German PPP market

Bunnik, Netherlands, 11 May 2006 – Müller-Altvatter (a German operating company of Royal BAM Group and specialised in building projects) has been awarded a PPP contract for the realisation of a prison building in München, in cooperation with Südleasing GmbH. It will be the first privately financed prison of Germany. Client is Freistaat Bayern. The investment sum amounts to approximately € 27 million.

From January 2007 until October 2008, Müller-Altvatter will build a women’s section for 160 detainees, as well as a youth section for sixty arrested boys and girls. The building site is 17,000 sq m. After the turnkey completion of the building, Müller-Altvatter will be partly responsible for operational maintenance. For the next twenty years, subsidiary Müller-Altvatter Gebäudemanagement GmbH will maintain the M&E installations.

Realising the prison building is Müller-Altvatter’s fourth PPP of this kind. The other projects are a school for the mentally handicapped in Frechen, the school complex Ostend in Frankfurt am Main and a laboratory building for the university hospital of Essen. For PPP projects involving equity, Müller-Altvatter works in close cooperation with BAM PPP Deutschland GmbH, based in Frankfurt.

Further information: A.C. Pronk, + 31 (30) 659 86 21.

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