Cork Court House refurbishment

Cork Court House refurbishment

There’s no one up before the ‘beak’ in Cork Court House at the moment, for Rohcon, BAM’s Irish subsidiary, is busy stripping the interior of the 125-year-old city centre building. But the expected verdict is, congratulations to all involved.

The court house is undergoing drastic renovation, from the depths of the basement to the top of the dome on the roof. The present basement level is being converted into a ground floor. The original ceiling level of the basement was not high enough however, so the floor is being dropped by a metre. At the centre of the building Rohcon is opening up a light extending right up to the roof. That obviously involves all kinds of structural modifications. In addition, a forty metre long tunnel is being built beneath the building to allow detainees to be led straight from the cells to the courtrooms. Come August 2004, the courts in Cork will once again be in session in splendid refurbished surroundings.

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