More room for Madame Tussaud's

More room for Madame Tussaud's

The Amsterdam establishment of Madame Tussaud's, the world-famous waxworks museum, is undergoing drastic alterations. An additional 250m2 of exhibition area is being created in the space of just ten weeks by working a two-shift rota.

HBG is building the Madame Tussaud's extension as part of a consortium. A whole new floor is being added, carried by a new steel structure. This involved the demolition of an existing domelike structure – removed in just three days, whereas it had taken around ten months to build ten years ago. Apart from the building alterations themselves we are also responsible for a whole range of installations, such as extensive air cooling systems for the waxworks, lighting, hydraulic systems and sprinkler systems. An additional lift is also being installed. A rather fine piece of work is the showcase stainless steel stairway with its thick glass treads in which lights are fitted.

Madame Tussaud's is due to open its doors to the public again this month.

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