A £6 million contract to improve Junction 15a of the M1 at Rothersthorpe, Northamptonshire, has been awarded to Edmund Nuttall Ltd, the Highways Agency announced today.
The award is for a Design and Build contract and is jointly funded by Norwich Union Plc and the Highways Agency. Work will start this month and is expected to be complete by spring 2003.
Highways Agency project manager Roy Brunsden said: ‘The scheme will use an innovative form of bridge construction that involves pushing a concrete box section underneath the M1. This will provide the second carriageway for the A43 and will consequently ease congestion in the vicinity and allow improved access to the proposed commercial development next to the motorway. ‘The benefit of this form of construction is that there will be a minimum disruption to traffic flow on the M1 during the construction period.’
Peter Bishop, Public Relations Manager, Edmund Nuttall Ltd, Knoll Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 3 XW, telephone 01276 854708, telefax 01276 854710, email peter.bishop@edmund-nuttall.co.uk