BAM inspires 500 future leaders at AmplifyHER

As one of the proud partners of AmplifyHER, our CEO Ruud Joosten, our CHRO Sabine van Hooijdonk, and thirty colleagues will represent BAM during the 2024 AmplifyHER event on 19 November in Amsterdam. The event is focused on creating inclusive workplaces and inspiring future (female) leaders – perfectly aligning with our strategy ‘Building a sustainable tomorrow’, our BAM values, and the BAM Experience.

One of the four themes of the BAM Experience is Embracing Diversity & Fostering Inclusion. We want to create an atmosphere where everyone feels welcome and respected. Alice Jennison, Diversity & Inclusion Specialist: ‘This presents a fantastic opportunity to showcase BAM to potential future colleagues. Not only to future female leaders, as men also participate in this event. Achieving a fair and equal workplace requires men to understand their role as well. Gender equality benefits us all.’

BAM inspires 500 future leaders at AmplifyHER

Keynote session by Ruud Joosten

Our CEO, Ruud Joosten, will kick off the event by hosting a plenary session, joined on stage by journalist and author, Joris Luyendijk.

Ruud Joosten: ‘It is important for me to demonstrate that inclusivity is a core value at BAM. We have been operating for over 150 years, and to continue for another 150, we need to adopt new, sustainable approaches and recruit people with different perspectives to solve emerging challenges.’

Workshop: Conscious leadership with Sabine van Hooijdonk

BAM will host a leadership workshop for 250 participants focused on conscious leadership, led by our CHRO, Sabine van Hooijdonk. This is a unique opportunity to gain insight into how to create a more inclusive workplace.

Sabine van Hooijdonk: ‘We are enhancing inclusivity by training our leaders in conscious leadership and making our sites more inclusive environments to work in. To become a conscious leader, one must be self-aware, observant, and capable of building trust, among other qualities. Reading non-verbal communication is a key part of becoming such a leader, and I think this gives you an advantage in making a greater impact.’

More information on the event: 

BAM inspires 500 future leaders at AmplifyHER

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