Composition Executive Board

Composition Executive Board

Bunnik, the Netherlands, 21 February 2018 - The Supervisory Board of Royal BAM Group nv has decided to nominate Mr E.J. (Erik) Bax (60) for re-appointment as member of the Executive Board at the Annual General Meeting on 18 April 2018. This reappointment will be for a term of one year.

Mr Bax has informed the Supervisory Board that he wishes to explore other opportunities and would therefore not seek re-appointment as member of the Executive Board for four years. Reappointment for one year ensures continuity and a smooth transition of responsibilities, also in light of Mrs T. (Thessa) Menssen stepping down from the Executive Board effective 1 July 2018, as previously announced. The Supervisory Board very much appreciates Mr Bax’ commitment to BAM.

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