PPP extension project German motorway A9 completed

PPP extension project German motorway A9 completed

Gefell, Germany, 10 September 2014 – The Federal Motorway 9 (Bundesautobahn 9 or A9) is connecting Berlin and Munich via Leipzig and Nuremberg. Federal Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt will officially open the last section of the road extension project of this major trans-European transport axe on Friday 5 September.

The extension to six lanes over a length of 19 kilometers was realized in a public-private partnership in cooperation between the DEGES (German Unity motorway planning and construction department), the Free State of Thuringia and Via Gateway Thüringen as private partners. This PPP project is the first successful implementation of an availability model contract in Germany.

Via Gateway Thüringen plans, builds, finances, maintains and operates the A9 between junction Lederhose and the border Thuringia / Bavaria. Partners in this PPP joint venture are VINCI Concessions (50 percent) and BAM PPP (50 percent), which both have extensive experience and expertise in PPP projects in the transport infrastructure sector. Via Gateway Thüringen has awarded the construction activities to a joint venture consisting of VINCI subsidiary EUROVIA and BAM subsidiary Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau. Via Gateway Thüringen operates the section of the A9 over a length of 46.5 kilometers for 20 years. www.viagateway-th.de

Further information: C.M. (Christie) Veldhuizen, +31 (0)30 659 87 53

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