Financial close reached for first Swiss PPP project 'Neumatt - Cantonal Administration Center Burgdorf'

Bunnik, The Netherlands, 30 November 2009 - Canton Bern has reached financial close with BAM Deutschland AG and Marti Generalunternehmung AG (in consortium with BAM PPP) for its PPP project 'Neumatt - Cantonal Administration Center Burgdorf' (formerly 'Zeughausareal Burgdorf'). The project is the first Public Private Partnership project in Switzerland to be based on international project finance standards. The project encompasses the demolition of the old buildings, as well as planning, financing, construction and operation of the new 'Neumatt - Cantonal Administration Center Burgdorf'. This will include three planning units, a prison (110 beds), a street inspection office including an operation center and finally an administration center.

The debt funding will be provided by a bank consortium comprising among others NIBC and led by UBS.

BAM PPP and BAM Deutschland are operating companies of Royal BAM Group, a worldwide construction services company turning over more than €8 billion and listed on Euronext Amsterdam.

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