Project Start station Erasmus line awarded

Project Start station Erasmus line awarded

The Hague, the Netherlands, 8 May 2014 - The contract for the design and construction of the The Hague Start station Erasmusline (HSE) has been awarded to BAM. HSE forms a new stop at The Hague Central Station, which is situated partly above and partly next to the bus platform. The station is designed by ZJA (Zwarts & Jansma Architects) in Amsterdam. BAM starts construction in the autumn and the new station will be completed in 2016. The city of The Hague and ProRail (responsible for the Dutch railway network) are working on this project together with public transport organisations RET, HTM and Haaglanden’s area council.

The Hague Centraal Station is both the start and end of the E-line or Erasmus line, the metro line that links Rotterdam and The Hague. It is part of the larger rail project Randstadrail.

The contract for BAM includes (detail) design and construction of the substructure, superstructure and the roof of the HSE-station. The substructure also includes the construction of an architectural canopy and platform floors (both in steel). Work on the superstructure includes railway construction, the construction of traction and energy facilities, noise barriers and the fitting out of platforms. In addition, BAM is responsible for the mechanical and electrical installations and Randstadrail’s management systems, elevators and escalators, emergency stairs, lighting and fencing.

Further information

Royal BAM Group nv, Arno Pronk, +31 (0)30 659 86 21.

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