Northern Justice Centre

Warwickshire Police Authority has awarded HBG Construction the contract to build the new £11.5 million Northern Justice Centre in Nuneaton.

The three-storey centre, which will bring together under the same roof all the justice agencies serving north Warwickshire, will be the first fully integrated building of its kind in the country. Funding has been provided by a Home Office grant to the Police Authority with further support coming from the Government-backed Capital Modernisation Fund.

HBG Construction has a well-established reputation for its work with police and judicial services projects. Its portfolio includes Worcester Police Divisional Headquarters, Hereford and Worcester Magistrates Court, Derby Police Divisional Headquarters and the Police Mutual Assurance building at Lichfield

Construction work at the site will begin shortly with completion of the building works planned for September 2004. The building is expected to be ready for occupation before Christmas 2004.

For further information:

Alan Smith, HBG Public Relations Department, telephone 020 8338 2635/e-mail: or Lucie Culkin telephone 020 8338 2710 or e-mail:

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