New groynes and shingle for Shoreham

New groynes and shingle for Shoreham

Ballast Ham Dredging has completed the first phase of coastal defence works at Shoreham-by-Sea, not far from Brighton. In May, the trailing suction hopper dredger Geopotes 14 brought some 75,000 m3 of shingle ashore with the aid of floating booster station Sliedrecht 27 to replenish the beach.

The work began in 2002 with the construction of nine groynes, each 60-70 metres long, for which around 50,000 tonnes of armour rock was imported from Norway. At the seaside village of Ferring, around 10 kilometres to the west, a number of wooden groynes were repaired. Here the trailing suction hopper dredger Heron stockpiled around 30,000 m3 of shingle on the foreshore, which was then transported onto the beach by dumpers at low water.

As part this contract on behalf of the Environment Agency, BHD will be replacing or upgrading a total of 33 groynes. The project is due for completion in 2005.

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