Management appointment at BAM Infratechniek

M. Schimmel

Bunnik, the Netherlands, 26 September 2013 – The Executive Board of Royal BAM Group intends to appoint Mr M. Schimmel MBA as chairman of the management of BAM Infratechniek bv with effect from 1 October 2013. Marinus Schimmel (1955) is currently director BAM Accommodatie Asset Management. Mr Schimmel will succeed Mr M. de Rooij RC, who is stepping down and will take up another position within BAM.

From 1 October, the management of BAM Infratechniek consists of Mr M. Schimmel MBA, chairman, Mr B. Schultze and Mr H.J. Versteegen.

Further information: Arno C. Pronk, +31 (0)30 659 86 21.

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