HBG safety scheme helps to raise funds for Great Ormond Street Hospital

The site team at HBG Construction’s Great Ormond Street Hospital’s [GOSH] extension project in London has introduced a safety incentive scheme on site which is helping to raise much needed funds for the Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity [GOSHCC].

Each week, a safety report is produced by project manager Richard Pateman providing a score rating on safety performance. When a target safety percentage score of 92% is reached it is rewarded with a £100 donation by HBG to the hospital’s charity, a figure which is being matched by site subcontractor Getjar Ltd. HBG hopes the scheme will raise £4,000 by November.

Commenting on the initiative Roger Harris, Deputy Chief Executive of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust, said: ‘It is extremely reassuring to see such a strong emphasis on safety - a measure that we whole-heartedly embrace. We are also very appreciative of the opportunity the team has taken to transform the work into a fundraising initiative for GOSHCC.

The first phase of our redevelopment is entirely funded by charitable money. Our Special Trustees team has taken on the daunting challenge to raise sufficient funds for the remainder of the Great Ormond Street Hospital development.

Brian May, Chief Executive of HBG Construction added: ‘This type of initiative gives every single person in the site team a genuine and clearly visible incentive to act safely and think safety. Their efforts in achieving a consistently safe working environment on site will mean significant donations could be made to this charity, helping the hospital treat more children.

I encourage all construction sites to think of such incentive schemes that can involve every member of the team, including suppliers and sub-contactors, whose individual safety efforts are essential to the overall project’s safety performance’.

For further information contact:

Alan Smith, HBG Public Relations Department, telephone 020 8338 2635/e-mail: asmith@hbgc.co.uk or Lucie Culkin telephone 020 8338 2710 or e-mail: lculkin@hbgc.co.uk

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