BAM wins contract for major education campus in Belgium

Campus Beringen (project 005-000.V) – osar architects

Bunnik, the Netherlands, 22 May 2014 - Interbuild nv - operating company of Royal BAM Group nv , active in Flanders and Brussels for non-residential and apartment projects - has won a contract for the construction and maintenance of Beringen Campus. Beringen is, after Hasselt and Genk, the third largest city in the Belgian province of Limburg. Interbuild will deliver the campus with a construction value of almost € 42 million in the 26 months. BAM Facility Management (a subsidiary of Interbuild) will take care of the maintenance of the complex for thirty years. The annual maintenance fee is approximately € 0.6 million.

Under the PPP project Schools of Tomorrow the Flemish government is creating in total 165 new built or renovated school projects for both elementary and secondary education. The contract for Campus Beringen awarded to Interbuild is the most extensive project of these. The campus is shared by five schools with 27,000 m2 floor area on a plot of more than 6.5 hectares.

The new campus has 450 class rooms - the largest being 2,404 m2 - and an extensive network of around 1,600 internet connections and 300 access points for wireless internet.

Schools of Tomorrow

The Flemish Government is carrying out an ambitious school construction programme with partners. The public partner is School Invest, a co-operation between the Flemish Agency for Infrastructure in Education and ParticipatieMaatschappij Vlaanderen. The private partner is a joint venture of Real Estate AG and BNP Paribas Fortis. Together, the public and private partners form the company DBFM Scholen van Morgen nv (DBFM Schools of Tomorrow), responsible for implementing the programme. The company is contract partner for all parties involved.

Further information:

  • press: Arno C. Pronk, +31 (0)30 659 86 21
  • analysts: Joost van Galen, + 31 (0)30 659 87 07

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