BAM marks its 55th anniversary of listing by sounding the gong

BAM marks its 55th anniversary of listing by sounding the gong

Amsterdam/Bunnik, the Netherlands, 19 June 2014 – Rob  van Wingerden, MBA – member of the Executive Board of Royal BAM Group nv – marked the 55th anniversary of the BAM share listing by sounding the gong. Royal BAM Group shares have officially been listed on the stock exchange at Beursplein 5 in Amsterdam since 19 June 1959. The shares were provisionally included in the listing from the beginning of March 1959. 

‘Very soon the shares of Bataafsche Aanneming Society formerly Fa. J van der Wal & Zoon N.V. will be introduced on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange’, wrote the daily newspaper Telegraaf on 18 February 1959. The issuance of Dfl 750,000 new shares increased the capital of BAM to Dfl 3 million. ‘Over the past few years the Bataafsche Aanneming Mij. has continued to pay a 10% dividend’, it said in the daily newspaper ‘De Tijd De Maasbode’. ‘The company, which is primarily engaged in utility and waterworks, carries out work in the Netherlands and in Australia (through a subsidiary company). Judging from the order book, the company will have work until 1960.’ Meanwhile, BAM has more than 269 million shares outstanding and the total market capitalisation at the end of 2013 was just over €1 billion.

Royal BAM Group has approximately 23,000 employees active in the construction and mechanical and electrical engineering, civil engineering, property and public-private partnership sectors. BAM is taking leading positions in the home markets of the Netherlands, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Germany. With BAM International, the Group is involved in specialist construction and civil engineering projects in niche markets worldwide.

Further information: Arno C. Pronk, +31 (0)30 659 86 21.

Picture: Euronext/Fred Vergeer.

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