BAM ICONSA jv to design and construct LNG jetty for Costa Norte LNG Terminal in Panama

Artists impression

Bunnik, the Netherlands, 11 November 2016 – A joint venture consisting of BAM International, the operating company of Royal BAM Group active outside Europe, and ICONSA, a marine construction company active in Panama, has been awarded the contract to design and construct an LNG import jetty and an intake / outfall structure for the Costa Norte LNG Terminal in Panama. South-Korea’s POSCO E&C is the main contractor to deliver the Costa Norte LNG Terminal for AES Corporation from the US, one of the world’s leading power companies.

The contract value for the BAM ICONSA joint venture is around US$ 39 million (€ 35 million). The BAM ICONSA joint venture has already started design works while work on site will commence in the first quarter of 2017. Completion of the project is expected in April 2018.

The BAM ICONSA joint venture’s scope comprises the marine facilities, consisting of the LNG jetty with a 216-metre-long trestle, a 50m x 35m platform, four breasting dolphins, six mooring dolphins as well as the intake and outfall structure. Sister company BAM Infraconsult/DMC is involved in the design of the new jetty.

The Costa Norte LNG Terminal, the first LNG facility to be built in Panama, is located near the Caribbean entrance of the Panama Canal, Colon, Panama. The import jetty is designed to receive LNG vessels in the range of 30,000 - 180,000m3.

The BAM ICONSA joint venture considers close cooperation with local suppliers and involvement of local workers as a key factor to successfully deliver this project.

More information:

  • Press: Arno C. Pronk, +31 30 659 86 21;
  • Analysts: Joost van Galen, +31 30 659 87 07. 

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