BAM appoints Director Startup

drs. R.M. van Kampen

Bunnik, the Netherlands, 7 July 2016 - The Executive Board of Royal BAM Group nv has appointed Mr R.M. van Kampen as Director Startup with effect from 1 August 2016. Currently Rob van Kampen (53) is Area Director BAM Bouw en Techniek for the Northwest.

BAM has defined a strategy for the period 2016-2020, and creating the future portfolio (‘doing new things’) is one of the pillars. BAM is doing this by delivering construction services using a digital construction platform. BAM intends to be at the forefront of digitization by using cutting edge design and visualization tools and keeping close to customers’ evolving requirements. BAM will facilitate this transition by investing in innovation to create an attractive environment for partnerships and rapid prototyping to shorten time to market. The new Director Startup is responsible for the rollout of this aspect of the strategic agenda.

Rob van Kampen reports to the CEO and operates in close cooperation with the staff of the Strategy department, which is led by Mark van Kruijsbergen, and which also includes an Innovation team. This team supervises innovation projects – in various stages of development – and monitors the BAM innovation portfolio. Mrs C.J. (Céline) Bent has been appointed Head of Innovation.

BAM Bouw en Techniek, Northwest area will be managed by Mr N.J.G. (Nico) Lamerichs, who has led the regional office together with Rob van Kampen since 2015.

Further information: Arno C. Pronk, +31 (0)30 659 86 23.

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