Ascon and Rohcon: 'STEPS Engineering as a Career'

Ascon and Rohcon have committed their support to the Science, Technology and Engineering Programme for Schools [STEPS], an initiative to encourage teenagers into engineering as a career.

The STEPS programme was launched in November 2000 by the Minister for Education and Science, Dr. Michael Woods, T.D. Highlights of the programme include school-industry partnerships which will encourage more co-operation between schools, colleges and local industries.

As part of their contribution, Ascon and Rohcon are hosting site visits to give teenagers of Maynooth Post Primary School an insight into the working life of engineers in the construction industry. Site visits included: Southern Cross Motorway, Northern Motorway, Millennium Park and Farmleigh House.

Further information:

Lysiane Cassidy at HBG Ascon, telephone +353 45 886442.

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