BAM starts industrial and circular production of wooden house concept Flow

BAM has started the production of its wooden Flow homes, after three years of innovating, designing, engineering, testing and building a unique platform technology. In the high-tech production facilities in Oudkarspel and Heerhugowaard (both located north of Amsterdam), BAM Wood Concepts develops and realises the high-quality prefab elements for Flow, BAM's sustainable, industrial, digital and modular living concept.

With Flow, BAM is responding to the large and increasing demand for affordable, sustainable, circular and healthy homes. The architecturally flexible housing concept, Flow, is the answer to this growing demand. With the new concept, BAM is transforming residential construction into an efficient, industrial production process.

The industrial method of production increases safety in construction, reduces failure costs and increases the efficiency of the entire construction process. With this conceptual method, it is possible to build the shell of the house, including façade finishes and modular installation components, on site in one day. As a result, the construction time, including finishing, individual options and district planning, is shortened from an average of twelve to just three months.

Circulars sustainable

The application of the wide range of possibilities of timber construction with dry joints is crucial for Flow. This offers new opportunities to simplify assembly and is significantly more sustainable, partly due to offsite production. Flow is a combination of timber frame construction (HSB) and solid timber construction (CLT). The façades, (load-bearing) walls, floors and purlin roofs consist of timber-frame construction elements. A number of stability walls made of solid wood have been incorporated into the structural stair core. Circular bio-based materials are used for Flow, such as cellulose for insulation. For on-site disassembly, BAM uses electrical equipment.

Layouts finishing at your own discretion

Flow has a high degree of flexibility. The parametric model offers a wide variety of layout options. Façades can be designed with maximum freedom. The design freedom of timber construction also increases the possibilities for urban integration with customisation for each plot.  By standardising various modules, affordability remains manageable. Flow is combining sustainability, industrialisation and digitisation, and perfectly fits BAM’s strategy 'Building a sustainable tomorrow'.

First Flow Homes

The first Flow owner-occupied and rental homes will be built in the near future in Cruquius (Wickevoort Estate), Barendrecht (Zeeheldenwijk), Terneuzen (Othene), Valkenswaard (Wilde Wingerd), Doetinchem (Weidewald), Leeuwarden (beHagen) and Veenendaal (Wilgenpoort).

About BAM Wood Concepts

BAM Wood Concepts specialises in the industrial production of complete wooden houses. In high-tech production facilities in Oudkarspel and Heerhugowaard, BAM Wood Concepts develops and delivers high-quality prefab elements (window frames, facades, load-bearing walls, floors and interior walls) for residential construction under conditioned conditions. In doing so, BAM is responding to the increasing demand for affordable, sustainable, circular and healthy homes.

Further information: BAM Wood Concepts, Bart Hogenbosch,

 BAM starts industrial and circular production of wooden house concept Flow

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