BAM Ireland plans approved for 700 new homes in Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork

County Cork, Ireland, 29 November 2023 - An Bord Pleanála has granted planning permission for BAM Ireland to construct 714 residential units in Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork. The Castlelake Strategic Housing Development (SHD) will consist of 224 houses, 282 duplex units and 208 apartments.

The Castlelake Development will provide key housing infrastructure to the rapidly expanding town of Carrigtwohill. In addition to the residential units, the development includes provision for a two-story creche, residential amenity spaces and a multi-use games area.

BAM Ireland plans approved for 700 new homes in Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork

The Castlelake SHD is strategically located in proximity to strong transport links, including the Carrigtwohill train station which offers high frequency and high-capacity services to Cork City centre.

Alasdair Henderson, Executive Director, BAM Ireland, commented: ‘We are delighted to see An Bord Pleanála approve the Castlelake SHD and to be delivering this important project for Carrigtwohill and for the people of Cork – one of the biggest ever in East Cork. We have worked closely with Cork County Council on our plans to ensure we deliver top-class houses and amenities for hundreds of people. It’s another exciting project in the area which builds on BAM’s strong commitment to sustainable development in Cork.’

It is the latest of a series of developments delivered by BAM in East Cork, after the completion of the construction works of the new Carrigtwohill Schools Campus Road Infrastructure. As part of the Carrigtwohill Urban Regeneration and Development Initiative, BAM completed 1km of carriageway to serve Department of Education schools development and the Castlelake SHD.

BAM Ireland plans approved for 700 new homes in Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork

In making its decision, An Bord Pleanála commented that the development would ‘result in a significant contribution to the housing stock, in a time of housing need’. The Board also commented that the area had a range of employment opportunities and social facilities to support a development of this scale.

In line with obligations under Part V of the Planning and Development Act 2000, BAM has proposed to make 104 units available to Cork County Council for social housing: 47 apartments, 46 duplex units, and 11 houses.

BAM Ireland plans approved for 700 new homes in Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork

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