Cross Tay Link Road Project reaches midway milestone

Perth and Kinross, 18 October 2023 - BAM has marked the halfway point of the Cross Tay Link Road project twenty months on from the start of construction work. The project, led by Perth Transport Futures on behalf of Perth and Kinross Council, will unlock key development land and direct unnecessary traffic away from the city centre, creating a better experience for local drivers, residents and visitors.

Cross Tay Link Road Project reaches midway milestone

With an anticipated completion date of February 2025, the project has recently passed a major milestone, with traffic on the A9 moved onto the newly realigned section of road.  

The second half of the project will see the completion of some of the most visible new infrastructure including the construction of a new bridge over the River Tay – Destiny Bridge – the largest new bridge in Scotland since the Queensferry Crossing opened in 2017. 

The project team will also be focussed on completing the road infrastructure which will direct traffic to and from the A9 onto the new bridge on its opening. Work will also commence on developing sustainable urban drainage systems to enhance the ecosystem and offer provisions for wildlife and biodiversity surrounding the road network.

The project team marked the halfway point in the project by welcoming BAM COO John Wilkinson and Perth and Kinross Council Senior Engineer Ross Fletcher to the site to view progress. 

Cross Tay Link Road Project reaches midway milestone

John Wilkinson, COO of BAM UK and Ireland said: ‘I have huge admiration for our team in Perthshire who have been quietly getting on with delivering Cross Tay Link Road project for over a year and a half now. The completed project is going to be transformational for people living in Perthshire and the engineering that’s going into it is truly impressive. The benefits of this project will leave a lasting legacy in Perth in particular, reducing the through traffic which can cause such harmful congestion in the city centre. But let’s not lose sight of the widespread positive impact that this project has already had returning over £12 million in social value, with direct involvement in 90 community initiatives and engagement with over 3,000 students from nearby schools, colleges and universities. I’m immensely proud that we’ve been through the recent challenging period of road diversions without any significant issues, and, over the next few months, we can really focus on the bridges that form such an important part of this project. I look forward to visiting again a few months from now when the project completes and we welcome motorists, cyclists and walkers alike to enjoy these excellent new facilities.’

Cross Tay Link Road Project reaches midway milestone

The Cross Tay Link Road is one of the largest infrastructure projects ever undertaken by Perth and Kinross Council. 

Councillor Grant Laing, Leader of Perth and Kinross Council, said: ‘This road will change the landscape of Perth; the potential that will unveil itself when the road opens in 2025 in terms of new development opportunities, as well as easing the pressure on the city centre traffic network is incredibly exciting. Reaching the halfway point in its construction is fantastic and I want to thank the team on the ground for their hard work and effort to get us to this point. This is no small challenge and I look forward to further updates on its progress as we move towards completion. I also want to extend my thanks to the residents who live in and around the area of construction. I appreciate that there has been disruption to you over the course of the construction of the road and your patience while the works are ongoing is greatly appreciated.’

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