BAM has secured a place on Crown Commercial Service’s (CCS) £21 billion Construction Works and associated Services2 framework (CWAS2).

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Hemel Hempstead, 29 March 2022 - Crown Commercial Service (CCS) supports the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services. In 2020/21, CCS helped the public sector to achieve commercial benefits equal to £2.04 billion - supporting world-class public services that offer best value for taxpayers.

The framework has been developed for government projects and is expected to be utilised by central government departments and all other UK public sector bodies. The framework covers the UK and Northern Ireland for both civil and construction works.

BAM has been appointed to both Lots it tendered, for construction and civil works over four years (to 2026). Lot 4 - airfield - National Lot – is work with an estimated value of £1 billion to be allocated between six contractors. Lot 5 - General construction National Lot £80m+ - is estimated as £20 billion which will be allocated across 20 firms for both construction and civil schemes.

BAM Construct UK, BAM Nuttall and BAM Contractors (Ireland) came together to submit a single tender.

John Wilkinson, Chief Operating Officer, BAM UK and Ireland, said: ‘BAM’s success is based on our being able to demonstrate all the capabilities that the Government’s Playbook requires: a whole life value approach to assets, delivered faster and greener, adding value to the communities around us and driving innovation. This leads to better outcomes and productivity for those who use our many public buildings. Alongside all our technical expertise is our experience and attitude as a trusted partner, working collaboratively and solving problems in a transparent way. Combining these two attributes enables us to have a leadership role in digitalisation, delivering net zero carbon and innovative ways of working such as through repeatable designs.’

John Wilkinson, Chief Operating Officer, BAM UK and Ireland, said: ‘BAM’s success is based on our being able to demonstrate all the capabilities that the Government’s Playbook requires: a whole life value approach to assets, delivered faster and greener, adding value to the communities around us and driving innovation. This leads to better outcomes and productivity for those who use our many public buildings. Alongside all our technical expertise is our experience and attitude as a trusted partner, working collaboratively and solving problems in a transparent way. Combining these two attributes enables us to have a leadership role in digitalisation, delivering net zero carbon and innovative ways of working such as through repeatable designs.’

BAM has been at the forefront of creating the platform approach being developed presently by the Construction Industry Hub and is one of only four European built environment firms to be given a prestigious A-rating for climate change by the CDP.  It recently reported turnover of approximately €3 billion per annum across all its UK and Ireland markets.

The new commercial agreement recognises the importance of public sector construction as a key driver of economic recovery and includes lots that provide health bodies in England with a new route to market for construction works and associated services, helping the UK to build back better. It adopts the principles of the Construction Playbook, rationalising frameworks in an innovative partnership between Crown Commercial Service (CCS) and NHS England and NHS Improvement.

NHS England and NHS Improvement leads the NHS in England, sets its strategic direction through the NHS Long Term Plan, and funds key priorities for improvement. ProCure23 is the fourth generation of the ProCure route to market for the provision of design and construction services to NHS capital projects, with an estimated cumulative value of £9bn over its four-year lifespan.

More about BAM: and

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) is an Executive Agency of the Cabinet Office, supporting the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services. To find out more about CCS, visit: Follow us on Twitter: @gov_procurement LinkedIn:

Further information: Mark Slattery, Press and Media Manager, BAM Construct UK Ltd, 01442 238415,  

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