BAM Nuttall completes successful Transpennine blockade

Aerial picture

Camberley, 18 Auguts 2021 - Railway passengers in Greater Manchester moved one step closer to faster, more frequent, and more reliable trains this weekend after major railway upgrades were completed on time between Manchester Victoria, Rochdale and Stalybridge as part of the multi -billion-pound Transpennine Route Upgrade.

As the civil engineering lead for the works, BAM Nuttall took a major role in delivering the programme that took place from Saturday 31 July to Monday 16 August. Two railway bridges at Dantzic Street and Queens Road were completely reconstructed and two bridges at Bromley Street and Oldham Road were strengthened and waterproofed.

Alongside this over 3000m of track was upgraded, track was remodelled between Manchester Victoria and Stalybridge and 17 new signals were also installed.

This blockade was just the beginning for the 76-mile Transpennine Route Upgrade that will deliver a high performing, reliable railway for passengers with more seats, more trains and faster journeys between Manchester and York via Huddersfield and Leeds.

Brian Walton, Deputy Alliance Director, said: 'I would like to pass on my thanks and congratulations to the whole BAM team for the massive effort that has gone into ensuring that the Alliance’s first extended railway closure has been a safe and successful one. The success of the work has without question only been made possible by the collaboration of all those involved from the early development stages, through the planning phases over the last 24 months and the execution of the works itself. Delivering all these complex works and handing back on time was always going to be critical in helping to build the reputation of BAM and the TRU West Alliance and that is exactly what has been achieved.’

Neil Holm, Transpennine Route Upgrade Director for Network Rail, said: ‘We’ve made major progress across Greater Manchester on this key part of the Transpennine Route Upgrade. Our teams have worked around the clock over the past 16 days to improve journeys for passengers. As well as bringing more reliable services, this complex upgrade will eventually allow more trains and faster trains to run on the busy route between Manchester and York.’

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