BAM implements new organisation structure to further improve effectiveness and growth

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Bunnik, the Netherlands, 26 November 2021 – Effective 1 January 2022, Royal BAM Group nv will implement a new organisation structure to further improve effectiveness and access to growth opportunities.

The implementation of this new structure is the next step in realising the strategic agenda for 2021-2023 (Building a sustainable tomorrow), which was presented in February 2021. The manage for growth activities will be managed in two new divisions, one dedicated to the Netherlands and the other to the United Kingdom and Ireland. The activities in Germany and Belgium will be managed for value, which means a continued focus on operational improvements and potentially further divestments. This new structure will replace the existing business lines Construction and Property and Civil engineering.     

With this new organisational structure, BAM will enhance its effectiveness and focus on growth, leveraging its top-3 market positions  in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Ireland. This change will also contribute to faster development of innovative solutions, supporting BAM’s clients to improve their sustainability and lower their carbon footprint. 

The current Chief Operating Officer for Construction and Property, Joost Nelis, will become responsible for the activities in the Netherlands. John Wilkinson, currently COO for BAM’s Civil engineering activities, will become responsible for the activities in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The manage for value activities will continue to report to CEO Ruud Joosten.

Starting 1 January 2022, BAM’s Executive Committee will consist of Executive Board members Ruud Joosten and Frans den Houter (CFO), as well as Joost Nelis and John Wilkinson. 

BAM will start reporting in line with this new organisational structure in 2022.

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