BAM shareholders adopt all resolutions at EGM

BAM shareholders adopt all resolutions at EGM

Bunnik, the Netherlands, 24 August 2020 - At today's extraordinary general meeting, Royal BAM Group’s shareholders appointed Ruud Joosten to the company’s Executive Board. He will start as CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board as per 1 September 2020. Per that date the Executive Board will consist of Ruud Joosten, CEO, and Frans den Houter, CFO. Paul Sheffield, who acted as delegated Supervisory Board member to support the Executive Committee in an advisory role, will continue in that role for two months to enable a proper transition.

The shareholders also appointed Denise Koopmans and Bob Elfring as members of the Supervisory Board. The appointment of Mrs Koopmans relates to the vacancy that will arise as Mrs Mahieu has announced that after almost ten years, she wants to step down at the end of this year. With the appointment of Mr Elfring, the vacancy due to the earlier announced retirement of Mr Noy, is filled.

In addition, the shareholders meeting approved the amendment to the remuneration policy for the Executive Board regarding pension contribution.

After the extraordinary general meeting, Harrie Noy, handed over the chair of the Supervisory Board to Henk Rottinghuis and stepped down as member of the Supervisory Board. Mr Noy’s second four-year term ended with the annual general meeting of April 2020, but he was then re-appointed to ensure the smooth transfer of responsibilities as chairman of the Supervisory Board. At the end of the extraordinary meeting,

Mr Rottinghuis thanked Mr Noy for his tireless efforts and valuable contribution during many years and for the thorough transfer of the chairmanship.

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