Management appointment BAM Infra Nederland

Directiebenoeming bij BAM Infra Nederland

Bunnik, the Netherlands, 8 July 2020 - The Executive Board of Royal BAM Group nv has appointed Mrs C. (Carla) Rodenburg-Verschuur, MBA as managing director of BAM Infra Nederland bv, effective 1 October 2020. Currently, Mrs Rodenburg is member of the Global Management team of technical services provider Stork, a Fluor company, as Vice President Europe.

Carla Rodenburg (1972) will succeed Mr P.G.F. (Erik) Staps, who fulfilled this position on an interim basis. The Executive Board is very grateful to Erik Staps for his dedication in the past period.

After her electrical engineering study at Delft University of Technology, Mrs Rodenburg worked as a strategic consultant at Arthur D. Little and subsequently at KPNQwest and Shell, in general management as well as  business development roles.

As of 1 October 2020, the management of BAM Infra Nederland will consist of Mrs C. (Carla) Rodenburg-Verschuur (chairman) and Mr J.A. (Joost) van Galen, RA (financial director).

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