Construction team conducts beach clean at seafront in Redcar

Construction team conducts beach clean at seafront in Redcar

Hemel Hempstead, 16 December 2020 - A small team of friendly construction professionals has carried out the first of what will be several beach cleans on the beach at Redcar.

The clean-up was organised by Mark Laidlaw, project manager for BAM Construction, whose team are creating the new Regent cinema: ‘I took a small team of our management team along with several members of our supply chain to comb the beach for items which might cause injury to people or animals, and for pollutants and plastics. We must have picked up around 200 items so it was well worth doing. We pride ourselves on being good neighbours and will use our time here building the new cinema to do some good deeds within the community.’

He says the beach comb will be the start of several, and he says he would be thrilled if any members of the public would like to join in. ‘We would welcome any volunteers for future beach combing to help us fan out further and keep the seafront in good condition. Even in winter it hosts many visitors and we want them to be safe and well in what are difficult enough times for everybody.’

BAM’s team have a good track record in the area, having been behind dozens of schemes in the North East of England. In Redcar it has created Tuned In at My Place, Redcar and Cleveland College and the BOHO Digital Enterprise Centre.

Mark Laidlaw added: ‘The beach combing exercise is a constant battle for the local community and is already kept well  on top of by multiple community groups, so my team has reached out directly to Friends of Redcar and they have offered the use of facilities and equipment up and down the coast to aid in our efforts.

We are very grateful to become a part of this community for our time here and hope this is the beginning of a great relationship.’

Want to assist Drop Mark and his happy team in their community efforts? Drop him a line at

Further information: Mark Slattery, Press and Media Manager, BAM Construct UK Ltd, 01442 238415.

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