BAM backs new Construction Playbook – creating a more financially resilient, lower carbon industry, building a better future

BAM backs new Construction Playbook – creating a more financially resilient, lower carbon industry, building a better future

Hemel Hempstead / Camberley, 8 December 2020 - BAM today strongly welcomes the UK Government’s new commitment to a more productive, lower carbon and more profitable construction and building management industry.

With the publication of the new Construction Playbook, UK Government has set out a better way of commissioning new buildings and infrastructure. The new approach means building net-zero carbon assets will be faster, clients’ operations are more effective, and the construction sector - which is one of the country’s biggest employer - will become more profitable and less vulnerable to financial collapse.

In a joint statement, BAM Construct UK Chief Executive James Wimpenny and BAM Nuttall’s Chief Executive Adrian Savory said: ‘Great buildings make a great difference to people, whether someone’s learning in school, receiving treatment in hospital or at work. But the way buildings are commissioned means they consume too much time, money and carbon, and the sector has seen too many companies collapse into liquidation.’

‘The same can be said of the infrastructure sector. Critically, the UK Government is now saying that it wants the sector to be more profitable. Too many companies have failed, and jobs lost, because the risks firms have taken on were too high for the wafer-thin margins made. That has to change and BAM welcomes the Government’s recognition that using longer term and fairer contracting arrangements, so companies in the sector can make a proper return.’

‘The new Construction Playbook promises a better future as long as its principles are adopted. One company and one client can’t do this on its own and we encourage all clients, the contracting sector and the supply chain to get behind this.’

‘For some time, BAM has been investing in changing how we work, reducing carbon and cost. We have developed product platforms and modern construction techniques and encourage clients to let us design in better energy systems to reduce the lifetime costs of a building. We have also pioneered better forms of contracting. The Playbook will help us accelerate that work and will support our supply chain in adapting and adopting these new principles.’

Key improvements embedded in the Playbook include:

  • bundling projects into portfolios with longer term contracts, which will increase visibility of revenue, and improve both programme management and procurement to enable lower costs
  • standardised designs , systems and materials used in similar types of building, which will help develop more low carbon techniques, ‘kit-of-part’ approaches and industrialised construction to support achieving  net-zero by 2050
  • government commitment to change procurement, focusing on the outcomes of a contract, including more social value delivered to society, improved health and safety

The Construction Playbook applies from December 2020 to all public works projects and programmes including building, civil engineering, construction or equipment projects. It is mandated for central government departments and Arms Length Bodies (ALBs) on a ‘comply or explain’ basis and should be taken into account by the wider public sector.

About BAM:

BAM Construct UK is one of the UK’s leading contractors. The company directly employees 2,000 people who design, develop, construct and manage buildings for public and private sector clients. Example work includes the iconic Coal Drops Yard development at Kings Cross; the award-winning and highly distinctive V&A Museum in Dundee and Birmingham’s tallest office building: 103 Colmore Road.

BAM Construct UK’s sister company BAM Nuttall is a leading civil engineering company, passionate about positively impacting everyone in our communities and future generations. We use digital solutions to collaborate and innovate, creating sustainable environments that enhance people's lives. Our clients include Leeds City Council, Environment Agency, and British Antarctic Survey.

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