Construction company celebrates 150th birthday by planting over 5,000 trees in Warwickshire and Worcestershire

Construction company celebrates 150th birthday by planting over 5,000 trees in Warwickshire and Worcestershire

Hemel Hempstead, 18 March 2019 - The construction group BAM has started planting 5,500 new trees in the Midlands to celebrate its 150th birthday. Twenty volunteers from the company - which includes BAM Construction, BAM PPP and BAM Nuttall - joined the Heart of England Forest team to plant the first 500 trees in a single day (Wednesday, 13 March). The remaining trees - the majority - will be planted in the November planting season.

The green initiative is part of the Royal BAM Group's commitment to plant 150,000 new trees during the year. The majority of these are part of an international programme for countries such as Bolivia and Uganda with a great need for reforestation.

The Heart of England Forest charity is creating a huge new woodland across Warwickshire and Worcestershire. The trees being planted are all native broadleaf trees and include oak, hornbeam, beech, alder and small leaved lime.

Dave Ellis, speaking for BAM Construction and BAM Nuttall in the Midlands, said: ‘Planting trees is symbolic of sustainability. That is more important to this industry now than ever before. It says something about our culture that so many people have volunteered to help us do this.’

Mr Ellis' company has been building in Worcestershire since 1932 when it created one of the early BBC transmitters in Droitwich. It is currently finishing work on historic Studley Castle.

‘We put great emphasis on working with the communities where we build to make use of our schemes so that we put something back. It is not just what we do, but how we do it that makes a difference.’

Jon Snow, the Chairman of The Heart of England Forest, said: ‘We are really excited to be working with BAM on the occasion of your 150th anniversary. And what a bold and brilliant way you have chosen to celebrate - pledging to plant 150,000, trees across the world, in all the countries where you operate. The Heart of England Forest is very grateful to be one of your beneficiaries and we look forward to welcoming BAM staff to help plant 5,500 trees over the next year. Your support helps take us another important step forward in planting tomorrow's great native woodland and creating a future natural asset for the country. On behalf of everyone at the Heart of England Forest, we wish you all the very best for your anniversary celebrations and offer our sincerest thanks for your support!’

Dave Ellis added that members of the public are welcome to lend their efforts to help plant trees when the task resumes in November. ‘I was there myself and there is a great spirit so if anybody wishes to volunteer, they are most welcome. Please contact Heart of England Forest and you can help us do something special for what is a very beautiful part of our lovely country.’

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Further information: Mark Slattery, Press and Media Manager, BAM Construct UK Ltd, 01442 238415.

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