BAM appoints members Executive Committee

Joost Nelis en Roel Vollebregt

Bunnik, the Netherlands, 15 March 2019 – Royal BAM Group nv will establish an Executive Committee, in addition to the two-person Executive Board consisting of CEO R.P. (Rob) van Wingerden and CFO L.F. (Frans) den Houter, effective 1 April 2019.

The Executive Committee (as was announced on 6 December 2018) will consist of the Executive Board members, two Chief Operating Officers (one for the business line Construction and Property and one for the business line Civil engineering), a Chief Business Excellence Officer, as well as the Chief HR Officer. The Executive Committee will decide - with final responsibility lying with the Executive Board - on strategic issues and policies, based on input from the operating companies and staff departments.

As from 1 April 2019, the Executive Board has appointed J.G. (Joost) Nelis as COO for the business line Construction and Property and R. (Roel) Vollebregt as COO for the business line Civil engineering.

The appointment of the Chief Business Excellence Officer is expected imminently. The position of Chief HR Officer was already fulfilled with the appointment of S.J.J. (Sven) Van de Wynkele in 2018.

Joost Nelis (1967) is currently director of BAM Bouw en Vastgoed Nederland bv, BAM’s Dutch operating company for non-residential construction, M&E services, residential construction and property development. He joined BAM in 1996 and has held various management positions, including managing director of BAM Wonen (residential) from 2008 to 2016. He graduated as civil engineer from Delft University of Technology.

Roel Vollebregt (1961) has been chairman of the Board of BAM Bouw en Vastgoed Nederland since 2016. He joined the Group in 1999 and was managing director of BAM Vastgoed and AM respectively since 2005. He holds a degree in Business Administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam, and was also trained as civil engineer, with ten years of experience in the dredging and soil remediation markets.

CEO Rob van Wingerden: ‘By forming this Executive Committee, where each member has clear focus and responsibility, we are better able to leverage our economies of scale in line with our One BAM philosophy. This leads to more synergy, more efficient working, faster innovations and better project management, with the purpose of achieving predictable performance in line with our financial targets.'

From 1 April 2019, the Board of BAM Bouw en Vastgoed Nederland will consist of its current directors M.J.S.A. (Mario) Broos (chairman), J.J. (Jan) Kempkens and H. (Henri) de Pater.

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