Composition Supervisory Board

Samenstelling raad van commissarissen

Bunnik, the Netherlands, 20 February 2019 – The Supervisory Board of Royal BAM Group nv announces that Mrs C.M.C. Mahieu and Mr K.S. Wester will step down as member of the Supervisory Board following the Annual General Meeting on 17 April 2019, in connection with the end of their second four-year term of appointment.

If the General Meeting does not make any other recommendations, the Supervisory Board intends, taking into account the enhanced right of recommendation of the Central Works Council, to propose that Mrs Mahieu be reappointed for a further period of two years by the Annual General Meeting.

As three of its members have been appointed only relatively recently, the Supervisory Board considers reappointment of Mrs Mahieu desirable from a continuity perspective.

Mr Wester has been a member of the Supervisory Board and a member of the Audit Committee of Royal BAM Group nv from 2011 to 2019, and Vice Chairman from 2017 to 2019. The Supervisory Board would like to thank Mr Wester for his valuable contribution during these years. The Supervisory Board has started the search to fill the vacancy. As soon as a successor for Mr Wester has been found, this will be announced and a proposal will be forwarded for appointment at an Extraordinary General Meeting.

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