Transfer Bijlmerbajes to consortium of AM, AT Capital and Cairn

Overdracht Bijlmerbajes aan consortium van AM, AT Capital en Cairn

Amsterdam, 1 March 2018 - On 1 March 2018, the consortium of real estate developer AM, AT Capital and Cairn will receive the Bijlmerbajes formally from the government. From this moment on, the terrain will be rapidly transforming into the new car-free city district of Amsterdam: Bajes Kwartier.

The government and the municipality of Amsterdam awarded the Bijlmerbajes in the autumn of 2017 after a selection to the consortium of AM, AT Capital and Cairn. The consortium made the best plan with Bajes Kwartier providing the most added value for the residents of Amsterdam and its visitors.

Urban character with plenty of green

The consortium, Bajes Kwartier Ontwikkeling C.V., will work together with a large number of partners on the new district. Approximately 1,350 dwellings will be available, both for sale and for rent, ranging from affordable starter homes to exclusive family homes. Thirty percent will be social rent dwellings with a substantial part in the mid-rent segment. Four prison towers will be demolished, one will be rebuilt and transformed into a 'green tower' with a vertical park and urban agriculture. The existing main building of the prison will be the design cluster: a place for artists of international standing. Furthermore, there will be restaurants and a health center. The new city district will have a strong urban character, but there is also a lot of green with gardens, courtyards and water features. Parking will be underground as the neighborhood will be car-free. The municipality will also develop a secondary school.


Bajes Kwartier is a leader in the application of sustainable energy, innovative water systems and the reuse of materials. All buildings in the Bajes Kwartier will be fully energy-neutral. In addition, electricity from wind energy will be provided by roof based built-in wind turbines.

The organic waste from the district will be converted into electricity. Heat in the winter and cooling in the summer will be provided by heat pumps in the buildings. There will be no connections to natural gas. For washing machines and dishwashers, each house will receives a connection with hot water brought up to temperature using sustainable heat transfer technology.

Co-creation and collaboration

Bajes Kwartier will be developed with a diversity of committed partners and in dialogue with the surrounding districts, stakeholders and the city. These and other partners will soon make Bajes Kwartier the most exciting district in the city. Sparkling and sustainable.

Save the date: April 21st

The Bijlmerbajes was a closed area. Bajes Kwartier is just a place for the whole city. From 1 March, the neighborhood will be handed back to the city bit by bit. On 21 April, the district will present itself to the city between 1 and 7 pm during the Open Bajes Day. Keep an eye on the site for more information.

Bajes Kwartier is a development of Bajes Kwartier Ontwikkeling C.V. This is a consortium of AM, AT Capital and Cairn. For more information:


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