Appointment regional director BAM Construction, Western

Tim Chell

Hemel Hempstead, 31 October 2016 - Tim Chell  is to head up BAM Construction’s Western region. Beginning his construction career as an engineer in the late 1980s, Tim Chell (49) spent three years working in the USA. He joined BAM in 2004, leading the construction of four schools for Bristol City Council. In 2006 he was appointed as one of its construction directors and took over the management of its Cardiff office. He is a chartered environmentalist and has a Master’s degree in project management in construction.

Mr Chell now leads a team of 185 people, a supply chain of around 1,000 and a company with a turnover in excess of £100 million. BAM has had a headquarters in Bristol for 50 years and was behind schemes such as the two new HQ buildings for Imperial Tobacco. Its work in the region dates back to 1905 when it built the Britannia Royal Naval College in Dartmouth.

During his time in charge of the Welsh business for BAM, Mr Chell led 26 projects with a combined value above £300 million. He said: ‘The construction industry faces many challenges. The foremost challenge is creating trust with our clients and supply chain as we ourselves change and develop. We’ve achieved this so far by creating quality relationships as a result of our progressive and non-contractual manner. This makes us good partners and problem solvers for both the public and private sectors. Another challenge is building sustainably. This isn’t optional; it must be at the heart of everything we do. And we must develop our young people and attract new people into this profession to bridge the skills gap. When I began, there were times when I was working out of a phone booth and the back of a car. Thankfully modern technology has transformed our industry and we offer young people a high tech and varied career environment far more suited to their skill sets. Young people expect more of employers and need a clear career path. I’m passionate that we should make sure they have it because they are the future of this vital industrial sector.’

Tim Chell takes up his position from 1 November 2016. He is married with one son and lives near Newport. He replaces Nick Goff, who is retiring.

Apart from construction, BAM has a property development company, a design practice, and a facilities management business, creating expertise in the built environment across its entire lifecycle.

BAM has delivered schemes for all the major NHS Trusts and universities, as well as for private developers like Hammerson and Helical. It is part of the international Royal BAM Group.

Further information: Mark Slattery, Press and Media Manager, BAM Construct UK Ltd, 01442 238415.

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