Bunnik, the Netherlands, 7 March 2013 - Mr H. Scheffers will resign by rotation as a member of the Supervisory Board, in connection with the end of his term of appointment following the General Meeting on 24 April 2013. If the General Meeting does not make any other recommendations, the Supervisory Board intends to propose that Mr Scheffers be reappointed for a period of four years.
Mr A. Baar will be stepping down as member of the Supervisory Board after the Annual General Meeting on 24 April 2013 in connection with the end of his third term of appointment of four years. The Supervisory Board intends to fulfill the vacancy left by Mr Baar and will make a recommendation for a candidate to be appointed as member of the Supervisory Board in due course.
Mr M.J. Rogers will resign as a member of the Executive Board, in connection with the end of his term of appointment of four years following the General Meeting on 24 April 2013. The Supervisory Board proposes as a binding recommendation that the General Meeting reappoints Mr Rogers as member of the Executive Board for a period of four years.
Further information: A.C. Pronk, +31 (0)30 659 86 21.