BAM Clough joint venture awarded €325 million contract in Western Australia

BAM Clough joint venture awarded €325 million contract in Western Australia

Bunnik, The Netherlands, 9 February 2012 – The BAM Clough joint venture has been awarded a contract by international oil and gas service company Bechtel for the design and construction of the Chevron-operated Wheatstone LNG product loading facility and tug berths near Onslow, Western Australia. The contract is valued at approximately €325 million (approximately AUD 400 million).

 The scope of work includes the design and construction of a 1.2 kilometre jetty with operations platform, a product loading platform with a single LNG and condensate load out berth, and associated piping modules and piping installation.

At peak, the project will result in approximately 200 jobs, the majority of them in Australia. This includes 15 in the Pilbara region, 90 in Western Australia and 30 elsewhere in Australia.

Engineering, procurement and planning work for the project will commence in February 2012 with construction activities on site scheduled to start third quarter 2013. The project is scheduled for completion in fourth quarter 2016.

BAM Clough JV is a 50/50 joint venture between BAM International bv (operating company of Royal BAM Group) and Clough Ltd. Established in 1964, the joint venture has successfully delivered 13 major jetty projects for the energy and resources sectors. The joint venture is currently working on the LNG jetty for ExxonMobil, in Papua New Guinea.

The Wheatstone Project is one of Australia's largest resource projects. Located at Ashburton North, 12 kilometres west of Onslow in Western Australia, the Wheatstone Project is a joint venture between Australian subsidiaries of Chevron (72.1%), Apache (13%), Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (7%), and Shell (6.4%) and Kyushu Electric Wheatstone Pty Ltd (1.5%). The foundation project will consist of two liquefied natural gas trains with a combined capacity of 8.9 million tonne per annum and a domestic gas plant.

Further information:

  • press: Arno C. Pronk, + 31 (0)30 659 86 21;
  • analysts: Patrick. R.E. Snippe, + 31 (0)30 659 87 07.

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