BAM wins PPP contract for two German hospitals

Bunnik, the Netherlands, 4 March 2011 – Hochtaunus Kliniken GmbH in Bad Homburg has awarded a PPP contract for the construction of two new hospitals to a Yolande Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co Vermietungs KG and BAM joint venture. This DBFM – design, build, finance and maintenance – contract for the two hospitals in Bad Homburg and Usingen, just north of Frankfurt, will run for a period of 25 years. The contract value for BAM is nearly €200 million.

The Hochtaunus Kliniken function as the academic training institute of the University Hospital in Frankfurt am Main. The new hospital in Bad Homburg will have a gross floor area of 63,000 m², spread over seven storeys, as well as eleven operating theatres and 483 beds. In Usingen, the new hospital will have three floors and a surface area of more than 16,000 m², two operating theatres and one hundred beds.

The building work will be carried out by BAM Deutschland AG, while the management and maintenance of both hospitals will be in the hands of BAM Immobilien-Dienstleistungen GmbH for 25 years, in collaboration with Dussmann Service Deutschland GmbH. Work is due to start mid 2011 and the two hospitals will open late 2013.

Further information:

  • Press: A.C. Pronk, +31 (0)30 659 86 21
  • Analysts: P.R.E. Snippe, +31 (0)30 659 87 07

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