Appointments at BAM Infratechniek and BAM Wegen

Appointments at BAM Infratechniek and BAM Wegen

Bunnik, The Netherlands, 21 June 2010 - The Executive Board of Royal BAM Group nv intends to appoint B. Schultze as managing director of BAM Infratechniek bv with effect from 1 September 2010. Bas Schultze (42) is currently area director of BAM Wegen (East).

From 1 September 2010 the management of BAM Infratechniek will consist of M. de Rooij, chairman, H.G. Kuipers and B. Schultze.

The Executive Board further intends to appoint R.L.M. van Hulst as managing director of BAM Wegen bv as with effect from 1 September 2010. Ronald van Hulst (45) is currently area director of BAM Wegen (West).

From 1 September 2010 the management of BAM Wegen will consist of W. Konings, chairman, R.L.M. van Hulst and J.P.G. Ramler.

Further information: A.C. Pronk, ( 31) 30 659 86 21


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