Composition Executive Board

Composition Executive Board

Bunnik, The Netherlands, 20 March 2008 – The Supervisory Board of Royal BAM Group nv is proposing to appoint Mr R.P. van Wingerden member of the Executive Board with effect from 7 May 2008.

Rob van Wingerden (46) will join the Executive Board after the General Meeting of Shareholders which will take place on that date. Mr Van Wingerden joined the Group in 1988 and he has fulfilled management positions at several operating companies. Currently he is chairman of the management of BAM Woningbouw.

The Central Employee Council has been asked for its advice.

The Supervisory Board of Royal BAM Group nv is also proposing to re-appoint Mr J. Ruis, Chief Financial Officer and member Executive Board with effect from 7 May 2008. Mr Ruis has been a member of the Executive Board since 2004.
From 7 May 2008 the Executive Board of Royal BAM Group will consist of J.A.P. van Oosten, N.J. de Vries, P.B. Brooks, J. Ruis and R.P van Wingerden.

Further information: Arno C. Pronk, 31 (0)30 659 86 21.

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