Celtic Roads Group (CRG): preferred bidder for M7/M8 Portlaoise Motorway PPP Scheme

The National Roads Authority has selected the consortium Celtic Roads Group (CRG, formed by BAM PPP, Ascon, Dragados and NTR) as preferred bidder for M7/M8 Portlaoise Motorway PPP Scheme in Ireland.

The contract includes the design, build, finance, toll operation and maintenance of approximately 41 km of standard 2-lane motorway, forming part of the N7 Dublin - Limerick route and the N8 Dublin - Cork route, which are key elements of the road network in Ireland. The scheme also includes 3 km of single carriageway, 15 km of minor roads, 3 grade separated junctions, a motorway to motorway Interchange and approximately 40 other bridge structures.

Revenues are to be generated from tolls collected from 1 Toll Plaza and CRG will install and operate the toll collection system.

It is the National Roads Authority’s intention to achieve contract close in the shortest time possible with discussions starting on Wednesday 21 March 2007.

Further information: Arno C. Pronk, + 31 (0)30 659 86 21.

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