Management appointment in Belgium

Bunnik, Netherlands, 10 January 2007 – The Executive Board of Royal BAM Group nv has appointed Mr M. Peeters director of CEI-De Meyer, based at Brussels, with effect from 1 January 2007. Marc Peeters (40) was director of the civil engineering department of CEI-De Meyer. He succeeds Mr D. Morlion and Mr Ch. Neervoort, who both will retire.

As from the same date the management of CEI-De Meyer consists of M. Peeters (in the position of ‘gedelegeerd bestuurder’) and P. Depreter (in the position of ‘bestuurder, directeur-generaal’).

To raise the profile of Royal BAM Group in Belgium and to encourage the synergy between the Belgian business units, the Executive Board has also decided to bring CEI-De Meyer (including its subsidiary Immo BAM) and Galère (including Balteau and FFK) under the management of Mr G. Loix with effect from 1 January 2007. Mr Ph. Goblet is responsible for the daily management of Galère.

Further information: A.C. Pronk, + 31 (0)30 659 86 21.

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