Large stadium-contract for Interbeton joint-venture in South-Africa

Large stadium-contract for Interbeton joint-venture in South-Africa

Bunnik, Netherlands, 24 January 2007 – Interbeton bv (the operating company of Royal BAM Group nv, active outside Europe) has received a letter of award form the City of Johannesburg for the construction of Soccer City football stadium in joint venture with the South-Africa construction company Grinaker-LTA. In the meantime, the joint venture has already started with construction activities.

Soccer City will have 94,700 seats and is considered to be the most important stadium for the 2010 World Championships, which will take place in South Africa. The contract value amounts to approximately € 160 million, of which 25 per cent for Interbeton. BAM's specialised German subsidiary HBM Stadien- und Sportstättenbau will also bring in its expertise to realise Soccer City. The stadium will be completed in 2009.

An Interbeton and Grinaker-LTA joint-venture (50/50) has also tendered for the construction of the new football stadium in Port Elizabeth. In the next weeks it will become clear if this contract has also been won by the joint-venture.

Further information: A.C. Pronk, 31 (0)30 659 86 21.

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